Chef Ilona Daniel takes a unique and vivacious approach in curating export development, diplomatic, culinary and hospitality initiatives across the globe to enrich and empower her colleagues and clientele alike.
Chef Ilona Daniel is the director of her Hospitality and Foodservice Consulting firm, Tribe Fresh. She is also a dedicated Culinary and Hospitality Instructor at the Culinary Institute of Canada, a Feature Food Writer for Saltwire Network, a regular contributor to CBC radio as well as a freelance travel & food writer She has appeared on several television programs including The Marilyn Denis Show, Breakfast Television Toronto & Vancouver, FOX UK, Global Morning Calgary, Ethiopian Broadcast Service, as well as programs on VICE TV and Canadian Screen Award Nominated Program, Untamed Gourmet on APTN. Chef ILona Daniel has appeared in the following publications: Harrowsmith Magazine, Chatelaine, East Coast Living, Saltscapes, Salty, and PEI Living.